Press Release Generator

The Humane Society for Pet Shelters is happy to help local pet shelters in any way we can, including getting the word out for your upcoming event or important news. Use our press release generator below to generate formatted text that you can easily send out as a press release.

Click here to read examples of our own press releases. While press releases can differ in format, we suggest using the standard format below to keep things running smoothly. Here’s a quick rundown of what each section is for:

Headline: Make this as short as possible while still being catchy. Readers should be able to glance at your headline and know what the release is about. You may also have a sub-headline if you need more space to add another thought.

Lead paragraph: Describe your message in two or three sentences.

Human interest quote: Have a leader from your organization explain more about your message—why it’s important, for example.

Body: This can be one or two paragraphs explaining more details about what you discussed in the lead paragraph.

Closing quote: Have another quote—it can be from the same person—pulling all the information together and concluding the release.

Call to action: This can be something as simple as “Join us on Facebook and Twitter at [link]” or “Call us at [phone number] to learn how to volunteer.”

Date of Release:
Contact Person Name:
Contact Phone Number:
Contact E-Mail Address:
Lead Paragraph:
Human Interest Quote:
Press Release Body:
Closing Quote:
Call to Action: